Feeling out-of-control?
The Story of the Captain
Who Lost Control of Her Ship
And how you can get your life back on course with hypnosis
A sea captain decided she (or he) would sail north. The crew had other ideas. They thought south sounded better. The ship headed south. The captain complained and threatened. The ship still headed south. The captain took out a shotgun. The ship turned north until the captain fell asleep. Then south again.
This is called a mutiny.
And it is a metaphor for how people get stuck in destructive habits like smoking cigarettes; overeating; not exercising; alcohol, drug, gambling, sex or shopping addiction; or pure procrastination.
The captain is your conscious mind. The crew is your subconscious.
You (the captain) may say today is the day I will change. Your subconscious mind (the crew) says no. Maybe tomorrow. This happens day after day. You become disheartened. You think self-defeating thoughts like “I can’t stop smoking, lose weight, stop drinking, etc.” Maybe you even give up. The crew runs the ship. Eventually it runs the ship aground.
So, feeling out-of-control?
How do you change?
You can’t bully yourself into change. Anyone who has dieted only to gain the weight back, tried to quit smoking a hundred times only to fail, or wrestled unsuccessfully with any personal demon knows this very well. A personal transformation is needed. This is something far different from trying harder. This requires pulling the ship into a port, firing the mutinous crew and getting a whole new crew on board.
This is what you must do to get your life under control. And there are several ways you can do this. One is known as “bottoming out”. A man has a heart attack and never smokes again. The doctors warns that her patient must lower cholesterol or risk serious illness and suddenly she can lose weight. A drinker’s spouse threatens to leave him or her and this time the drinker hears it and seeks help.
But these “miracles” are as unpredictable as lightening. Waiting for “the right moment” to change is never a good idea. Instead, there are techniques that can help you jump start the process and gain control. Hypnosis is one of them.
Hypnosis begins by clearing out your resistance to change. Then a new series of beliefs, attitudes, even created memories are inserted in their place. You become a non-smoker, someone who eats healthy or exercises, someone who gets things done.
The change is a transformation, not more of the same attempts to try harder followed by demoralizing defeats.
Out-of-control to In-control
Think of your hypnotist as a psychic personnel agent. He or she will help you get your crew to understand you really are the captain and it is your ship. Because when you and the crew (conscious and subconscious minds) are pulling together anything is possible.
The question now is which way do you really want to go?