Learn to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking with Hypnotic Training
Here are the top five fears people reported on a 2001 US Gallup Survey:
1. Snakes – 51%
2. Speaking in public – 40%
3. Heights – 36%
4. Being closed in a small space – 34%
5. Spiders and insects – 27%
Hypnosis can help you eliminate all of them, but public speaking fear is perhaps the easiest to fix. With fear of public speaking elimination hypnosis, you can:
Boost your career and income
Free your leadership potential
Make family gatherings like weddings enjoyable
Remove anxiety
Hypnosis can help and I have found public speaking fear removal is actually one of the easiest applications of hypnosis.
Plan on a couple of sessions to not only stop the fear, but to start looking forward to meetings and presentations where you are the center of attention..
We will address the basics (just getting your body relax) as well audience rapport and handling unexpected events.
I have coached executives, educators, sales people and other professionals as well as people who just want to feel they can talk to groups without trembling. Always with good results. Like I said, this is one of the easier ones to fix with hypnosis.
Let me help you. First to get the butterflies to stop flapping in your stomach and then to teach them to fly in formation.