Hypnosis and Hypnotic Coaching to Help Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts Business Owners Achieve Their Goals
It does take one to know one. The hopes. The challenges. The stresses. Successes. And, yep, failures.
Since 1983, I have been self-employed in the state of Rhode Island n a variety of ventures. Some were very successful. Others not so. I owned and operated a video production studio, advertising agency, small publishing company, and (for the past 17 years) a hypnotism center and now a school training new certified hypnotists. I know what it is like to make a payroll, build a clientele and be the one who does it all: marketer, manufacturer, head of customer service, accountant, strategic planner and guy who orders (and picks up) the office supplies.
If you would like some help on getting your mind back on business or boosting your motivation and focus to move your operation up to the next level, maybe you should consider hypnotic coaching.
Hypnotic Coaching is not psychotherapy, but it can positively influence the way you think, act and feel. Here are a few of its uses for small business owners and other managers:
—Creating a Positive Mental Attitude
—Sales Skill Improvement (from cold calling to closing)
—Presentation Skill Improvement (getting over fear of public speaking – BNI, Sales Pitches)
—Organization Skills
—Creativity Enhancement
—Relationship Stresses (including partner or employee problems)
Like more information? Give me a call at 401-374-1890. We can even arrange a free consultation on the phone or at my office to discuss whether hypnosis and hypnotic coaching should be part of your “business plan”.