Hypnosis for Wart Removal and Other Common Dermatological Problems
It is hard to believe unless you have seen it for yourself: but hypnosis can remove warts and usually fairly quickly.
Human papillomavirus (aka “warts”) is a virus that lives in an unsightly little hut that is its food source.
People treat warts by excision (cutting), cautery (“burning”) , cryotherapy (freezing), liquid nitrogen, and topical or injected agents. There are over-the-counter (OTC) medications containing salicylic acid that may be effective in removing warts. And, any wart that does not respond to OTC treatments should be examined by a dermatologist.
But it is well documented that warts respond very well to hypnotic suggestion. And I have helped dozens of people get rid of warts permanently using a standard hypnotic protocol. Here is a before and after from a recent client with warts on the bottom of her heel:

No side effects. No drugs. No pain. Just a short, relaxing hypnosis session.
Hypnosis Also Helps Other Skin Problems Such as Acne, Eczema, Rashes and Blushing
Please make sure you see a dermatologist or other dermatological professional first. Hypnotists do not diagnose or treat any medical problem, but we do work under the direction and in cooperation with licensed medical professionals.
Why does hypnosis work so well with skin problems? The answer is that there is almost as much nueroscience in the skin as there is in the brain itself. We literally display our emotions on the canvas of our skin. Here is a short Ted Talk that may shed light on your issues: