Hypnosis for 12-Steppers
Over the years it has been my pleasure and privilege to help hundreds of people in recovery (recovering alcoholics and addicts of all varieties) to achieve their goals through hypnosis, self-hypnosis, hypnotic coaching and the power of the subconscious mind.
Hypnosis is not a replacement for the fellowships and programs of recovery or a licensed addiction therapist, but can be a powerful adjunct in the challenge of getting sober (and clean) and staying that way supporting these resources and working in conjunction with them.
Carl Jung talked about a necessary psychic change and William James of a vital spiritual experience. These can happen spontaneously; but they are also the kind of of transformations hypnosis is designed to encourage and cultivate supporting other programs. However, in many ways the important work occurs after a person gets sober and clean and stops the habit of substance or behavior dependency that was destroying their life.
How Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis and Hypnotic Coaching
Can Help You Deal with Life on Life’s Terms
People in recovery come to hypnosis for the exactly same reasons as anyone: quitting smoking, losing weight, handling stress, dealing with difficult relationships, study skills, career help, confidence, pain management, habit change (nail biting, procrastination, etc), handling fears such as flying, driving and heights.
But there are also unique issues people in recovery face related to handling “life on life’s terms” without the old “go to place” of the substance or behavior that was destroying them. And hypnosis can help with these everyday issues.
Please understand hypnotic coaching is not therapy. I am not qualified to diagnose you as alcoholic or addicted. And I am more than happy to work with your licensed therapist. I do not offer detox or relapse prevention services: but I do want you to know that I understand your issue and the 12-step community and can refer you to resources that will provide these services as well as help you deal with the everyday issues we all face, including those facing life on life’s terms perhaps for the first time in a long time.
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